Bruin Parry, one of the most outspoken faces of No Limits! Art Castle, doesn’t want to become an artist but a superstar, because there are already enough artists with Down syndrome, but no famous superstars with a similar condition. He, for example, wants to become the new Michael Jackson under the name Bruin Jackson.
This touches on a bigger issue: while there is much talk about inclusion and diversity, the pool of people from which pop superstars are drawn seems quite small and homogeneous. We need new superstars! Superstars in wheelchairs, superstars from countries that people barely know, superstars who are trans, and a superstar band consisting of one big polyamorous love family. So that superstars can become role models who teach us something, whom the most marginalized groups can identify with, and not just examples of unattainable beauty that make everyone insecure. That’s why No Limits! Art Castle and The One Minutes held an open call.
A selection of these videos is on display in this exhibition. Additionally, the films will be included in The One Minutes archive and there will be screenings organized at other venues such as cinema De Uitkijk, and other cultural institutions that have a subscription to The One Minutes.
No Limits! Art Castle is een project van stichting Captain Hoek